Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cowboy Hat Racks: Keep Cowboy Hats Clean

The cowboy hat racks pictured here are perfect for keeping your favorite cowboy hat in good shape.

The cowboys I know are very particular about how their hats are treated.

After spending so much on a quality hat, they don't want to set it down just anywhere, and they especially don't want anything to get on it.

The hat racks keep them off surfaces where something might be spilled on the hats.

For the cowboy with more than one hat, or the cowboy family where more than one person has a hat, these racks are the answer to the problem of where to store them safely. One, two, three, or even four hats can be stored easily on available adjustable racks.

Texans Love Their Cowboy Hats

My Favorite Texan: Charles
Photo by Linda Sue

Prevent Stains

Prevent Smudges and Stains
Never pick up your hat by the
crown! Always pick it up by
the edge of the brim!


Handling and Storing Your Cowboy Hat

When picking up your hat, or when taking it off or putting it on, hold it by the front and back of the brim. Never pick it up by the crown. The hat will be soiled or stained if your hands are dirty or oily.

To help your hat to keep its shape and look like new longer, for best results, store your hat upside down on its crown.

Never leave your hat in a closed, hot car, since hats exposed to high heat for long periods not fit. High heat will cause the sweatband to shrink, which will in turn cause the hat to shrink.

If you don't wear your hat often, store it in a hat box flat on a shelf. If you do wear it often, use a hat rackto store the hat.

DIY Cowboy Hat Rack

If you don't find a hat rack you like, maybe you would like to make your own. Here are some great ideas:

Cowboy Hatrack made in the USA


How to Make a Cheap Hat Rack with Hanger Wire and Duct Tape

Do you have a cowboy hat rack for your cowboy hat? 

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