Saturday, October 24, 2015

Free Cookbook Template for Creating Your Own Cookbook

Printable Cookbook Pages to Make Your Own Homemade Gift Cookbook

One of my favorite gifts to give new brides is a cookbook made up with my own and family recipes.

The cookbook pages can be punched and put into a notebook binder, or you can use a comb binder to bind the pages into a book. A while back, we were visiting my brother's family in Alabama. His wife, Sandra, told me that she still had the cookbook I created for her when they were married. I honestly don't remember how many years ago it was that I created the book, but their daughter's wedding was yesterday, October 24th.

I have made cookbooks for at least two of my sister-in-laws, for my daughter, my daughter-in-law, and several others, too. All have been happy to receive them. Especially since they are not gourmet type cookbooks, but rather include the day-to-day recipes used by the family.

To download the pages in the photo above, click My Very Own Cookbook-Blue for a FREE copy of my cookbook page template in PDF format. The file will open in your PDF reader. Click File, and Save the file to your computer. Don't have a PDF reader app on your computer? Download your PDF reader here!

The last page of the file has instructions for using it to create a cookbook using a notebook binder or using a comb binder.

This file can be used over and over again to create new cookbooks. You are welcome to make a copy of the file and give it to your gift recipients so that they can create more pages for their cookbooks, too.

Thank you for being my loyal readers.

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