Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Free College Courses: OpenCourseWare for Homeschool Teens and for Adults

Photo: Ladyheart

Take Online College Courses Free!

The OpenCourseWare Initiative

The OpenCourseWare initiative has been in effect for several years, now. More and more colleges opt to take part in the OCW every year.

Using OCW, homeschooling high school students or adults who want or need to update skills can enroll in a course, study the material, and then take a CLEP test to get college course credit at a much reduced price.

You can even use these courses as dual credit courses for both high school and college credit. Some courses will require students to purchase a textbook, but used textbooks usually don't cost much.

OpenCourseWare Banner
(c) Linda Pogue

OpenCourseWare College Courses

If you are homeschooling high school students and concerned about teaching higher level math or science, check out the offerings at the colleges below:

MIT OpenCourseWare

Khan Academy (started as primarily math courses, but now includes almost any course you can think of!)

Carnegie Melon Open Learning Initiative

Stanford on iTunes U

UC Berkeley Courses

Tufts OpenCourseWare

LearningSpace - The Open University (600+ free online courses)

John Hopkins OpenCourseWare

Notre Dame OpenCourseWare

Utah State OpenCourseWare

The UMass Boston OpenCourseWare

University of California Irvine OpenCourseWare

NYU Open Education

Didn't find the course you want? It might take a while, but a Google search for free online courses in the subject you need might give you what you want.

Alternative: Study CLEP Study Guides to Prepare for College Credit Exams

In my personal college experience, I used CLEP to gain credit for three different courses. To prepare, I read and reviewed textbooks in the subject. CLEP Study Guides would have been a better idea, since they concentrate on the topic and the areas that are tested in the exams. One of the guides below might be just what you need.

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